So You Want a New Fence - Day 3
The third day of this project was spent finishing setting the fence posts and starting to install the cedar planks. See posts on day 1 and day 2 for more images and descriptions of previous days’ work for this cedar horizontal basket weave fence. And go to our Facebook page to see a larger project photo gallery.

This day was much colder than it had been, so Matt was a human popsicle he stood holding each post while it set. I know this because he kept asking me for hand and foot warmers. It’s rough if you can’t move around to warm up. One of the clients took off work the rest of the week to be the third man on the job. He, Matt, and Shawn were able to finish the posts on other two sides of the yard. They were also able to put up the first panel. One guy cut the cedar planks to length, while the other two held up and screwed in the plank with a jig to make even spacing. Since this was the only panel with concrete that had set fully, and it was pretty much night time, they called it a day.
Look out for day 4‘s post soon.