So You Want a New Fence - Day 6

This was the day that the planks were completely put up, both gate frames were installed (and corrected), and half of the screws were put in to finish the inside. It goes by more quickly when we mark for both screws, but only put in one, which is enough to hold the board in place, then have one guy come back and do the second screw afterwards. This was kindly done by the clients’ brother-in-law. It helps if you client comes from a build-oriented family! We don’t often get to offer this kind of discount, but we like to if we know that a) the client won’t slow us down by wanting to help and b) they have the time to help.

And I say that one of the gate frames was corrected because at first Shawn made one frame on the ground, then made saw horses for the second frame. Once they were both up, he saw that the ground was obviously uneven and the first frame needed some adjustment. Remember what I said about the unexpected? It happens, but this was a fun fix to watch.

I wanted to show how Matt put up the boards because they made the jigs (guides) for both one board, and two boards. This way, the person on the left had the correct spacing for screws, and the person on the right did as well, even though he was interacting with the planks that were already installed. So crafty!
We only had one more day after this, so stay tuned for (a belated) Day 7! And if you haven’t already, go check out the Day 1 to get the whole scope of the project. And, again, the project gallery on Facebook has even more photos.