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So You Want a New Fence - Day 2

If you haven’t already, check out day 1 of this fence project. The second day was spent collecting materials and starting to set the fence posts. The collection of materials took quite a bit of time since the boys had to wait for around 60 steel posts to be cut at Texas Fence Supply in Irving, which is 45 minutes south of Denton. That’s where the crew got the cedar pickets as well.

OES | Cedar pickets purchased and ready

They also bought 90 bags of 50 lb Quickset at Home Depot. A couple of tips regarding concrete, from me to you:

  • The fast-setting stuff is in the red bag, and the long-setting stuff is in the yellow bag.

  • Return any bags you don’t use – by the time you have another concrete project, that thing is hard as a rock…or as hard as a bag of set concrete. Because it is. Even for seasoned professionals like us, who often move quickly from one project to the next and need concrete for fences, to set furniture, or for making pads – it always seems to rain or get extra dewey when we’re sitting on a stash of extras.

  • If you buy a entire palette, which is 64 bags, don’t throw away the wooden palette that it comes on. You are charged a deposit and can get it back when you return it. This palette fee was $35. That kind of thing can add up.

OES | The work truck is nearby with bags of concrete

By the time I got back to the site yesterday, they had already placed the posts in the holes and started setting them in concrete. First they measured from one post to the next and marked it on the string (I’ll show a picture of this on day 3’s post). Then Matt made sure the posts were plumb while Shawn was in charge of concrete. To make things go faster and mix more completely, he used a small concrete mixer, dumped it in a designated wheel barrow, then poured it in the post hole. They were able to almost finish setting one long side of the yard on day 2.

That’s it for day 2; look for day 3 coming up shortly. Be sure and “like” us on Facebook so you can see larger project photo galleries!

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